Sunday, September 28, 2008


The brakes at motorcycle is device to slow down or cut it out accelerate the motorcycle, by generating the friction between rashers nonmetal materials and metal surface following rotate with wheel. Usually, the brakes used at motorcycle is drum brake type and disc brake type. Both operated passing the extremity. Here in after to continue the style given by foot and hand, so that brakes work for to slow down or discontinue the wheel rotation used by two way, that is mechanic and hydraulic.

1. The drum brake at motorcycle

The construction drum brake in motor, what is generally operated mechanical, simple enoughly. Consist of a pair the brakes shoe, spiral spring of reverser, berth, all promoter attached at hub wheel. And then with the hub, all brake components attached in drum. If brake and components don't follow to rotate, drum rotary with wheel. Precisely, the brakes to work by arrest the drum rotation.

To operate the brake shoe, promoter interfaced to the tank is later on fastened upon the pedal operated with foot. If pedal depressed, the promoter will rotary, which cause the brake shoe pushed and develop. Its face is so-called brake lining, it made from asbestos touch the interior drum. If drum rotary, brake lining of detain it and cause it rotation is tardy progressively or come to a full stop.

Pursuant to work way, drum brakes divided become 2 type. First, leading trailing type. At this type, both brake shoe, even both same develop, but it have different braking effect. Difference happened because wheel rotation direction. To move both it shoe used one just promoter. At the time of both shoe of the same depressing, drum also depress the left shoe to inner direction. this Braking way referred trailing. Because shoe depressed again, braking effect become less good.

Meanwhile, shoe in right side tend to aim outside or continuously depress drum. As a result, braking force increase. This working way is referred leading. Result of it, braking don't flatten. But because it construction is simple, the many producers use principal combination like that.

Only second selected motor of it shoe work leadingly. To get the effect be like this, each shoe given by the promoter and berth with adversative position. Its result, each promoter will push. That way also, shoe depress drum. The brakes with both shoe use way leading yield better braking force, one half multiply more compared to combination model ( trailing-leading).

Surface drum brakes is generally made of the cast iron, and then linked up with wheel hub made of aluminium. In this way, direct generated heat carried over by wheel. Transfer of this heat have to walk better. Otherwise, heat will lessen the braking energy.

2. The disc brake at motorcycle

Disk brakes consist of the disk, cylinder master, and rotary lever with wheel caliper. Further, caliper also consist of some components, that is pad cylinder, piston, and pin. While cylinder master consist of the piston, tank, and cylinder.

Because generally put on the disc brakes work by exploiting the fluid pressure, that way it work principle is the pascal law. On that account, a little energies given to the lever, it become brakes work swiftly.

Disk brakes have advantage because it format is open. Heat arising out effect of braking become quickly decrease. Thereby, ability of brakes can defended. Despitefully, pad nip the disk with same direction, it don't happened difference of energy braking in both sides. Tendency of interesting brakes to one way can be obviated.

Pursuant to it construction, disk brakes differentiated become two, that is contrary piston and single piston. Contrary piston have caliper which is provided with two piston. Each piston used to push pad brakes to nip the disk.

At single piston disk brakes, motivation at pad done by one piston. Motivation pad other obtained from reaction force of caliper. This type of named floating, divided into two type, namely type shift and swing. At unseat type, caliper position to horizontal when brakes moment is used. While at swing type, caliper sway at bolt and cause to heel.

If lever put on the brakes pulled, the piston residing in cylinder master depress spiral spring of reverser and continue to make a move till hole plug return of brakes oil. Because all holes is close, brakes oil pressure increase and then distribute to after the connect the cylinder master with caliper. Piston is even also finally depress and push pad brakes. Cylinder master consist of the tank and containing cylinder of brakes oil. Tank or reservoir can be made of the plastic, cast iron and aluminium alloy is then linked up with cylinder.

Source : Automotive Encyclopedia


The engine type used at motorcycle is combustion engine. Combustion engine is the engine type generate mechanical motion by burning the fuel. Evaluated from way obtain thermal energy, combustion engine divisible become 2 faction, that is internal combustion engine and external combustion engine. At motorcycle generally use the internal combustion engine.

Internal combustion engine is the engine of its movement is yielded from combustion that happened in cylinder. In this group there are Otto engine, diesel engine, rotary / wankel engine, gas turbine system, and beam gas propulsion. Evaluated from its cylinder formation, internal combustion engine distinguishable become 6 type, that is in-line engine, V-Engine, trilateral engine, radial engine, horizontal engine, and look out on engine. If evaluated from principle of work, internal combustion engine distinguishable become 2 kinds of, that is combustion engine 4 - stroke and combustion engine 2 - stroke.

Source : Automotive Encyclopedia

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Tire is the part of wheel made from rubber materials. Its function is to permeate the vibrations generated by surface of the scraggly road and to obtain the big friction force to surface of road. Inner of tire is generally filled by air have the selected pressure. This tire construction referred by the pump tire (pneumatic tire). Besides, tire generally consist of two shares, that is external tire and inner tube. But exist also, the tire only consisting of the just external tire without inner tube. This tire referred by the tubeless tire.

The outside tire made of the rubber materials and it have high resilience to wear. The inside tire given by addition some carcass layer, its function is to adding the tire resilience to high pressure and deformation caused of to crashes and the vehicle burden of itself. At the tire palm shares, that is the tire shares direct contact with surface of road, its made thicker and have the selected path to prevent slip.

If its seen from base form, the groove at tire palm divided become 3 type, that is rib, lug, and block. The rib palm pattern have greatness in the case of giration and lessen the happening of slip. Tire with this type very compatible used in pave road. The lug palm pattern type have good traction and power transmission. Tire with palm pattern be like this, is usually used for the vehicle of jip and dump truck type. The block palm pattern type have the block forms separateness between one another. This tire type is used for the vehicle pass the muddy and heavy field.

Source : Automotive Encyclopedia

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Rim is the part of wheel, owning the function to accept all the styles generated by road condition. To centre of the rim position to wheel axis, hence rim made hub, which it direct connection to wheel. In general, rim divided become two kinds of, that is intact rim and apart rim. Intact rim used at the vehicle have the small haulage. Is while to apart rim used at the vehicle have the big haulage and heavy. At motorcycles, the intact rim used in that. Measure and ability from rim written with selected codes. Example of, intact rim written by 7J x 17H2, mean are : 7 is wide of mouth rim in inchi, J = horn form, X = elementary form of rim, 17 = rim diameter in inchi, H2 = code is for safety duplicate.

Source : Automotive encyclopedia

Sunday, September 21, 2008


The behind suspension consisting of the spiral spring, and shock absorber. Function spiral spring is to generate the regular movement when motorcycle accept the collision surface of road in tire. Shock absorber used to weaken or refine the convulsion effect of collision with surface of road so that vibration become balmy and softer convulsion.

Source : Automotive Encyclopedia

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Swing arm is the functioning component as suspension and to take care of the behind wheel stability. Next back part swing arm bound with motorcycle frame, is while behind back part bound at behind wheel axis.

Swing arm can sway to follow the fluctuate motion in behind wheel. At motorcycle suspension is usually used by two swing arm. The swing arm form to be differentiated become two, that is plate form of steel and tube form of steel.

Source : Automotive Encyclopedia

Thursday, September 18, 2008


The handle bar of motorcycles is the part of chassis motorcycles. At this shares is also attached by the next fork and especial pipe. In especial pipe, this is forceps turned around so that motorcycle can be altered by his direction ( is turned). Handle bar direct held by driver, this is usually made of the steel pipe. Wide, high, and angle installation of forceps is also influence the rider stability level ( ergonomics) and his stability. Because that, the drive forceps form from an unegual motorcycle, but the purpose is answered by the pertinent motorcycle.

Handle bar differentiated pursuant to its for. For example lengthwise forceps is upward referred up swept ( high forceps). Semi forceps up swept lengthwise don't too long ( low forceps) which used many at sport motorcycles or off road. The operation of forceps be like this yield very nicely, but required the larger ones energy. Because that of this forceps quickly make worn-outly of his driver compared to up swept.

The many kinds of supply often in handle bar, but this is same almost everything, that is : instrument for next lamp, sein, and horn, speedometer, fuel indicator, coupling lever, front handle brake, etc.

Source : Automotive encyclopedia


The Motorcycle suspension system is the equipments connect to motorcycle chassis with peripheral of wheel. Its function is to weaken and stabilize vibration that happened during the mechanical system make a move. Surface of surging road and scraggly generate vibration accepted by the tire. Here in after, the tire fluctuate movement continued go to the suspension system. The activity of suspension which this determine stability and comfort in riding motorcycle.

In general suspension system at motorcycle differentiated become two kinds of, that is frontage suspension system and behind suspension system.

¨ The frontage suspension

The frontage suspension system at motorcycle consist of two type, that is type bottom link and type telescopic.

a) Bottom Link Suspension consist of the front fork, front shock absorber, tire and also rim. Bottom link suspension consist of two version, that is leading arm and trailing arm. The division according to situation suspension arm position. Type leading arm have the suspension arm rear shock absorber, example at vespa scooter.

Excess of bottom link suspension system lay in his construction which modestly. Technically, its mechanism use the movement swing so that assess the smaller friction. So, the vibration from surface of road is indirectly distribute to the front shock absorber. So that bottom link suspension balmier for rider. The negative lay in the distance swing suspension which is relative short. Distance between tires and sepatbor within call so that movement swing the suspension arm cause the front wheel relative sensitive to surface condition of the road scraggly. As a result, forceps is even also become easier joggle to left or to right.

b) Telescopic suspension consist of the front fork, tire, and rim. Front fork telescopic is three type, that is cheriani, cartridge, and upside down. In general, the front fork cheriani have the fork pipe component ( fork pipe) containing of spiral spring. Spiral spring work to weaken various the vibration surface of road. Among fork pipes and next fork house, correlate direct in the form of direct friction which protected by the component of a kind bushing.

Type cartridge is one up on compared to cheriani. Because his fork pipe don't contain the spiral spring as shock absorber, but replaced by special piston.

Type upside down or referred also inversed suspension. Referred that way because his fork pipe under direct to so that relate to rim and wheel through hub wheel. Is while his fork house reside in to the and clung with forceps. third Inner of this next fork is filled oil ( fluid) special is designed to assist the fork pipe weaken vibration.

The frontage telescopic suspension give advantage in the form of distance swing the longer relative compared to bottom link suspension. Besides, distance swing long him, frontage suspension only riding on and downwards. Swing movement so that stability mount. The weakness of telescopic suspension is lay in the fork pipe and frontage fork house. Cause, among both only limited seal rubber. Because fork pipe and seal continuously have friction, his rubber materials often weaken ( timewornly). As a result unable to again partition off oil shock absorber so that happened leakage and Iubricant seep the exit. If this matter is let continuously, the work of shock absorber will downhill and felt bounce.

Source : Automotive encyclopedia

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Frame of motorcycles is most elementary shares from motorcycles, this function is support the engine, transmission, suspension, etc. And also to take care of the comfort and rider stability. The good frame have to light but strong enough and can detain the vibration coming from surface of road.

Strength of frame is very base on the form and his construction. Its for adapted for the type usefulness of motorcycles. on that account, the frame type used all kinds of. The example, the frame used at motorcycles unlike everyday requirement or sport motor.

Classification of frame type done pursuant to materials and its for. For everyday motorcycles, frame is generally made of the steel pipe or the forged steel plate. Is while motorcycle race to tend use the aluminium.

Roadway motor with steel pipe frame, his construction is adapted for the burden to be shouldered. Pipe formed by it jointing, it can use welding or use the bolt and nut. This frame have various form and adapted for its motorcycles type. simplest form for example is forming the trilateral frame is so-called also construct diamond. Underside construct this don't each other being jointed, but let release. In that back part shares later engine attached. This type of divided become three, that is single cradle frame, double cradle frame, flourish double cradle.

Single cradle frame is constructing the using one pipe. Is while double cradle frame is constructing the using two attached by the pipe have align. And flourish double cradle frame is constructing the only using one pipe, but is in certain part given by the branch.

Type construct the other motorcycle is back bone. At this frame, engine reckoned on a king sized steel bone. All under arrest burden and sustained by bone bodywork. Because his component measure is big and consist of one just shares hence this frame is usually made of the forged steel plate. Besides, there is also construct underbone. Referred underbone because this frame is bended up at under. With condition be like this, rider can fluctuate without require to lift the too high foot. The example is scooter.

Source : Automotive Encyclopedia


Motorcycles have some important shareses. The shares of interaction and each other supporting among one with other, for example :

1. Frame / chassis

2. Shock absorber frontage

3. handle drive

4. Swing arm

5. Shock absorber backside

6. Rim

7. Tire

8. Engine

9. Brakes

10. Coupling

11. Chain

12. Sprocket

13. Panel Indikator

14. Front lamp

15. tail light

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Motorbike base come from two wheel bicycle the moved by human. In the form of energy of transferred human body passing both foot, to move both the pedal residing in right side and left with giration or pirouetting. Growth of the technology is fast progressively, cause growth of technology at bicycle also mount. One of them is by changing the mainspring coming from human become the mainspring coming from machine. Thereby work the human become easier and lighter.

The machine used by Motorbike is two type, that is machine type of 2 - stroke ( two stroke) and machine type of 4 - stroke ( four stroke). Both this machine type have difference of principle work and construction. yielded energy also differ to every, its fuel consumption and machine also differ. Machine of 2 - stroke tend to extravagantly of fuel than machine of 4 - stroke.

The energy coming from machine transferred to wheel through chain and two gear. Gear the smallness generally direct incircuit to machine, is while gear which is his measure is bigger generally incircuit to wheel behind. The chain to have the function as link between both the gear. Rotation at the smallness gear and bigness gear is same generally and synchronize.

To energy controling of machine, we can use handle the throttle residing in right side forceps. By turned around anticlockwise, to improve the machine power and machine rotation. Turned around clockwise, to lessen the machine power and machine rotation. When we wish cut it out accelerate the motorbike, can be used the brake for next wheel and back wheel. the brake for next wheel reside in the forceps right side and in front of handle throtlle. Wheel brake behind residing in right side under, close to stirrup right side. Domicile the this brake differentiate with two wheel bicycle, if in bicycle put on the brakes the back reside in left side forceps. But for motorbike, left side forceps attached handle coupling with aim to move the machine energy at selected acceleration storey;level manually as according to our willingness.

Motorbike is also provided with the next lamp, and brake lamp with aim to be rider security awake. And also to avoid the accident can cause fatally.


Since 1998, the number of motorcycles in the United States has increased by 34 percent. Why the sudden spike in popularity? Unlike cars, motorcycles allow riders to connect intimately with the driving experience. But it's not just about adventure and freedom. With gas prices soaring, motorcycles, which can achieve fuel economies as high as 85 miles per gallon, provide an attractive alternative to gas-guzzling cars.

In this article, we'll learn how the modern motorcycle operates, how motorcycle design has evolved over the years and how motorcycles might change in the near future.

­Motorcycle Basics
Motorcycles are motorized vehicles for transporting one or two riders. Generally, a motorcycle has only two wheels, but any vehicle with fewer than four wheels in contact with the ground can be classified as a motorcycle. Three-wheel variations of the motorcycle include the "hack" (motorcycle plus sidecar) and the "trike" (short for motortricycle).

The layout of the modern motorcycle was established by 1914 and has remained fundamentally unchanged ever since. The overall structure and function of a motorcycle is quite simple. It includes a gasoline engine, which converts the reciprocating motion of pistons into rotary motion, just like the engine in a car. A transmission system transmits this motion to the back wheel. As the back wheel turns, it propels the motorcycle forward. Steering is accomplished by turning the front wheel via the handlebars and by leaning the bike to one side or the other. Two hand levers enable the rider to operate the clutch and the front brake, while two foot pedals enable him to change gears and control the rear brake.

Next, we'll take a close look at a motorcycle engine.


Arguably, the first motorcycle was designed and built by the German inventors Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach in Bad Cannstatt (since 1905 a city district of Stuttgart) in 1885. The first petroleum-powered vehicle, it was essentially a motorised bicycle, although the inventors called their invention the Reitwagen ("riding car"). However, if a two-wheeled vehicle with steam propulsion is considered a motorcycle, then the first one may have been American. One such machine was demonstrated at fairs and circuses in the eastern U.S. in 1867, built by Sylvester Howard Roper of Roxbury, Massachusetts.

In 1894, Hildebrand & Wolfmüller became the first motorcycle available for purchase. In the early period of motorcycle history, many producers of bicycles adapted their designs to accommodate the new internal combustion engine. As the engines became more powerful and designs outgrew the bicycle origins, the number of motorcycle producers increased.

Until the First World War, the largest motorcycle manufacturer in the world was Indian, producing over 20,000 bikes per year. By 1920, this honour went to Harley-Davidson, with their motorcycles being sold by dealers in 67 countries. In 1928, DKW took over as the largest manufacturer.

After the Second World War, the BSA Group became the largest producer of motorcycles in the world, producing up to 75,000 bikes per year in the 1950s. The German company NSU Motorenwerke AG held the position of largest manufacturer from 1955 until the 1970s.

In the 1950s, streamlining began to play an increasing part in the development of racing motorcycles and held out the possibility of radical changes to motorcycle design. NSU and Moto-Guzzi were in the vanguard of this development both producing very radical designs well ahead of their time. NSU produced the most advanced design, but because of the deaths of four NSU riders in the 1954–1956 seasons, they abandoned further development and quit Grand Prix motorcycle racing. Moto-Guzzi produced competitive race machines, and by 1957 nearly all the Grand Prix races were being won by streamlined machines. From the 1960s through the 1990s, small two-stroke motorcycles were popular worldwide, partly as a result of East German Walter Kaaden's engine work in the 1950s.

Today, the Japanese manufacturers, Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, and Yamaha dominate the motorcycle industry, although Harley-Davidson still maintains a high degree of popularity in the United States. Apart from these high capacity motorcycles, there is a very huge market for low capacity (less then 300 cc) motorcycles, mostly concentrated in Asian and African countries. This area is dominated by mostly Indian companies with Hero Honda being the world's largest manufacturer of two wheelers. Its Hero Honda Splendor model is the highest selling motorcycle in automotive history, having sold more then 8.5 million to date.

Recent years have also seen a resurgence in the popularity of several other brands sold in the U.S. market, including BMW, KTM, Triumph, Aprilia, Moto-Guzzi, MV Agusta and Ducati.

Outside of the U.S., these brands have enjoyed continued and sustained success, although Triumph, for example, has been re-incarnated from its former self into a modern world-class manufacturer. In overall numbers, however, the Chinese currently manufacture and sell more motorcycles than any other country and exports are rising.

Additionally, the small-capacity scooter is very popular through most of the world. The Piaggio group of Italy, for example, is one of the world's largest producers of two-wheeled vehicles.

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