Sunday, September 28, 2008


The engine type used at motorcycle is combustion engine. Combustion engine is the engine type generate mechanical motion by burning the fuel. Evaluated from way obtain thermal energy, combustion engine divisible become 2 faction, that is internal combustion engine and external combustion engine. At motorcycle generally use the internal combustion engine.

Internal combustion engine is the engine of its movement is yielded from combustion that happened in cylinder. In this group there are Otto engine, diesel engine, rotary / wankel engine, gas turbine system, and beam gas propulsion. Evaluated from its cylinder formation, internal combustion engine distinguishable become 6 type, that is in-line engine, V-Engine, trilateral engine, radial engine, horizontal engine, and look out on engine. If evaluated from principle of work, internal combustion engine distinguishable become 2 kinds of, that is combustion engine 4 - stroke and combustion engine 2 - stroke.

Source : Automotive Encyclopedia

1 comment:

Rangga's blog said...

hi alan..
nice blog..
have u a simulation of piston in combustion chamber?
thnx b4

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