Sunday, September 28, 2008


The brakes at motorcycle is device to slow down or cut it out accelerate the motorcycle, by generating the friction between rashers nonmetal materials and metal surface following rotate with wheel. Usually, the brakes used at motorcycle is drum brake type and disc brake type. Both operated passing the extremity. Here in after to continue the style given by foot and hand, so that brakes work for to slow down or discontinue the wheel rotation used by two way, that is mechanic and hydraulic.

1. The drum brake at motorcycle

The construction drum brake in motor, what is generally operated mechanical, simple enoughly. Consist of a pair the brakes shoe, spiral spring of reverser, berth, all promoter attached at hub wheel. And then with the hub, all brake components attached in drum. If brake and components don't follow to rotate, drum rotary with wheel. Precisely, the brakes to work by arrest the drum rotation.

To operate the brake shoe, promoter interfaced to the tank is later on fastened upon the pedal operated with foot. If pedal depressed, the promoter will rotary, which cause the brake shoe pushed and develop. Its face is so-called brake lining, it made from asbestos touch the interior drum. If drum rotary, brake lining of detain it and cause it rotation is tardy progressively or come to a full stop.

Pursuant to work way, drum brakes divided become 2 type. First, leading trailing type. At this type, both brake shoe, even both same develop, but it have different braking effect. Difference happened because wheel rotation direction. To move both it shoe used one just promoter. At the time of both shoe of the same depressing, drum also depress the left shoe to inner direction. this Braking way referred trailing. Because shoe depressed again, braking effect become less good.

Meanwhile, shoe in right side tend to aim outside or continuously depress drum. As a result, braking force increase. This working way is referred leading. Result of it, braking don't flatten. But because it construction is simple, the many producers use principal combination like that.

Only second selected motor of it shoe work leadingly. To get the effect be like this, each shoe given by the promoter and berth with adversative position. Its result, each promoter will push. That way also, shoe depress drum. The brakes with both shoe use way leading yield better braking force, one half multiply more compared to combination model ( trailing-leading).

Surface drum brakes is generally made of the cast iron, and then linked up with wheel hub made of aluminium. In this way, direct generated heat carried over by wheel. Transfer of this heat have to walk better. Otherwise, heat will lessen the braking energy.

2. The disc brake at motorcycle

Disk brakes consist of the disk, cylinder master, and rotary lever with wheel caliper. Further, caliper also consist of some components, that is pad cylinder, piston, and pin. While cylinder master consist of the piston, tank, and cylinder.

Because generally put on the disc brakes work by exploiting the fluid pressure, that way it work principle is the pascal law. On that account, a little energies given to the lever, it become brakes work swiftly.

Disk brakes have advantage because it format is open. Heat arising out effect of braking become quickly decrease. Thereby, ability of brakes can defended. Despitefully, pad nip the disk with same direction, it don't happened difference of energy braking in both sides. Tendency of interesting brakes to one way can be obviated.

Pursuant to it construction, disk brakes differentiated become two, that is contrary piston and single piston. Contrary piston have caliper which is provided with two piston. Each piston used to push pad brakes to nip the disk.

At single piston disk brakes, motivation at pad done by one piston. Motivation pad other obtained from reaction force of caliper. This type of named floating, divided into two type, namely type shift and swing. At unseat type, caliper position to horizontal when brakes moment is used. While at swing type, caliper sway at bolt and cause to heel.

If lever put on the brakes pulled, the piston residing in cylinder master depress spiral spring of reverser and continue to make a move till hole plug return of brakes oil. Because all holes is close, brakes oil pressure increase and then distribute to after the connect the cylinder master with caliper. Piston is even also finally depress and push pad brakes. Cylinder master consist of the tank and containing cylinder of brakes oil. Tank or reservoir can be made of the plastic, cast iron and aluminium alloy is then linked up with cylinder.

Source : Automotive Encyclopedia


Anonymous said...

thx for the advise bro!

Rangga's blog said...

he tenkiu2.. iya blum sempat di kasih keterangan... nyusul segera

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